I know what you're thinking... is that really how dilemma is spelled? I was as surprised as you are, but alas... that is correct. Dictionary.com has never failed me. But that's really not what this is about at all.
In my last post, I listed off the places that Maurice and I are considering moving to, pending his acceptance to schools in those places. You might have been a tad surprised to find such an extreme a place as Minneapolis on that list. When asked, I typically list that city off last, so that when I see the inevitable looks of total consternation on people's faces, I can quickly follow with "That's right... I said Minneapolis." I assure you, when Maurice first uttered the words "I'm thinking of applying to the University of Minnesota", my knee-jerk response was a firm "Absolutely not". And I meant it.
But Minneapolis continued to make its way into conversations about school. This might be a good time to mention Maurice's passion for sustainable architecture. There aren't many graduate schools that allow students to study with a focus on sustainable architecture... and U of M happens to be one of those schools that does give students that opportunity. And so my hardened heart began to soften a bit, a very small bit, and I offered what I thought was a more than generous compromise, agreeing that he could apply to U of M as his backup school. In other words... if ALL ELSE FAILS... we can go there. I still was not breaking into song and dance over the idea of moving to what might as well be wintery Russia in my mind.
And now somehow... over time and what I can only assume was calculated manipulation, the University of Minnesota has made it's way to the near top of Maurice's list of schools he'd like to go to. And thus... my great dilemma. Let me just say this... I am not opposed to Minneapolis in every way. I have been told by no less than 5 people, who have actually been to Minneapolis, that it is a remarkably beautiful city. It's rumored to have some really beautiful parks, the cost of living is reasonable, the not-winter seasons are supposed to be really pleasant and the job market is better than a lot of other places. Let me also say this... I'm not freaked out THAT it gets cold. It's HOW cold it gets that freaks me out. Bear in mind, we are also considering Denver, Chicago and Philadelphia. Those aren't what you'd call tropical climates. But over the course of the past few months, I've started to question people who know a thing or two about Minneapolis, and the thing that stands out to me, is that when I ask them if Minnesota really gets as cold as people say it does... the response is generally a good, hearty laugh. The only person who didn't laugh, responded with "No, it's worse".
And so there you have it. At this point in the decision making process, I am still very torn between my desire for Maurice to get the best possible education, and my dislike for hypothermia-ridden fingers.
If any of you have been to Minneapolis, whether you did or did not like it, tell me what you thought! In the mean time, I'm going to try and find where I put my Northface coat.
Sounds like you'd be living like u do in S.A. Only staying inside in winter instead of summer. Denver not very cold by the way!
never been there, but my roommate was from there. it really isn't that bad. lots of lakes for the summer time, good exercise only in the form of snoe-showing instead of running. very pretty weather, just gotta pack warm clothes!
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