This morning I got a text message from an old friend, asking what was new in the Flores household. I began to text back, but quickly came to the realization that I cannot even properly update friends on my life through text because there is so much going on. We have some busy days ahead, and instead of trying to cram it all into a text for you, I decided that a good old-fashioned life update blog was in order. Let's take this one thing at a time, shall we?
Monday, January 25, 2010
{The Latest and Greatest Flores News}
Krista arrived safely in Africa, and if I do say so myself, she seems to be adjusting beautifully! She is doing a great job of keeping her blog updated with stories of life in her new home continent, including stories of travel and shopping at the market... which may I add, is no small feat, considering that life in Senegal requires her to know 2 different languages... neither of which is English. And yesterday, thanks to a little thing called skype, we got to video chat with her for the first time since she left. It is definitely hard to have her so far away, and for so long, but she seems to be loving it so far.
And in other sisterly news! Maurice and I are really excited to say that we are going to have another niece or nephew! Stefanie and Adam are expecting their second baby, and are due sometime in August. We are both so excited for them, and can't wait to have another little one around to spoil.
And in even more sisterly news! We're also excited to be adding a brother-in-law to our family. Maurice's sister Ashlie and her fiance Marty are getting married on June 26th of this year, and we are really excited and are honored to be a part of the wedding. I'm sure there will be plenty of pictures of wedding-related festivities to come.
So by now, you're probably starting to realize that summer is going to be a pretty busy time for us. Truth be told, I haven't even scratched the surface yet. You may remember that last spring, after MUCH consideration, Maurice and I decided to spend another year in San Antonio, instead of moving to Philadelphia. Well that year has just about come and gone, and now we find ourselves in a very familiar boat. Sometime in April, we should start hearing from the schools that Maurice applied to for next year. Philadelphia is one of the places that we are considering still, and he also applied to schools in Houston, Denver, Chicago and Minneapolis. So again, who knows what city/state/timezone we will be moving to. Each one of the places sounds like a really exciting prospect to me, and if you asked me 3 days in row where I wanted to move, you'd probably get 3 different answers. It's such a complicated decision, when you think about tuition, scholarships, cost of living and job markets. We are just praying that God will show us really clearly where He wants us to go, because at the end of the day, I really want Maurice to be at the right school, and I know that God will provide us with jobs, even in a less-than-fully-recovered economy.
So long story short, on top of weddings and babies, we will also be moving this summer, and potentially moving out of state. We have really enjoyed spending this year in San Antonio, but we are ready for a change and excited to see what happens! So get ready for round 2 of "where are we moving" and stay tuned this Spring for updates!
I think that pretty effectively catches you up on the goings on of our life lately. It is certainly going to keep us busy, but we are certainly blessed.
Cheers to that.
Posted by Kelli at 12:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
{Krista Goes to Africa}
This post is a somewhat bittersweet one for me. I'm so proud of the faith and courage of my sister, but we all miss her sorely as she now lives half a world away. As some of you may know by now, about a year ago, Krista felt that she was being called to move to Africa. This past Friday, January 8th, Krista and I celebrated our 28th birthday here in San Antonio. On Saturday, January 9th, we all got up at about 5 in the morning, headed to the airport in 18 degree weather, and saw Krista off as she moved to Senegal, Africa... where she will spend the next 2 years serving God and ministering to the Fulakunda people.
The Fulakunda are a largely muslim people group, and aside from spending time building relationships with them, she will also be helping to coordinate church groups who go over there on mission trips. She is passionate about Africa and it's people, and has previously been on 4 trips to Northern Africa and Uganda. Before leaving, Krista spent 2 months in Virginia in training, and while she was there, she made a great prayer card to give out, and she greatly covets your prayers during her time over there.
As you can see, she's included an address where you can email her while she is over there. She has also started a blog to chronicle her time over there... the link is on the card as well, and you can also find her on my "Friend's Blogs" list to the left of this page.
I am extremely excited to see everything that God is going to do through her while she is there, all the while hoping that 2 years will go by quickly and that she will be back before we know it! Again, please be praying for her and for the thousands of other missionaries like her who are spread out all over the world sharing God's love.
Posted by Kelli at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 1, 2010
{So long 2009... was nice knowing you}
I hope that everyone had the merriest of Christmases and the happiest of New Years. Maurice and I certainly had a busy holiday season this year, but we aren't complaining, because it was full of family and friends and wonderful memories of our first Christmas as Mr. and Mrs.
But before I begin looking forward to a wonderful and exciting and adventurous 2010, and in keeping with last year's tradition, I'd like to take a minute to look back and share the things, both great and small, that I learned in 2009. And without further ado, they are as follows:
- That tiny first apartments as a married couple are meant to be small and humble, and that one day, I'll likely look back on this cramped first year with really fond memories.
- That sometimes, no matter how careful you are, or how many steps you take to prevent it, sometimes people's cars still get broken into, and people's credit card numbers still get stolen. it just happens.
- That marriage is sometimes really tough, and it takes a lot of work, but it is also the greatest kind of love and is completely worth it.
- That when you have a really bad day, say because, your credit card number got stolen, it's pretty great to come home to someone who always has your back and is always on your side in life.
- That wedding planning is something that is inevitably stressful and that it's not something I ever want to participate in again.
- That President Obama is as inexperienced and full of hot air as I anticipated him to be.
- That it is still my responsibility to pray for our leaders faithfully, regardless of political differences.
- That I only have one true enemy in this world, and that others, who may feel like enemies at times, are just his prisoners.
- That Jon and Kate plus Eight couldn't last forever.
- That Saturday mornings are best spent being lazy and watching "Flip This House" with my husband.
- That you can't please everyone, and that many times, it is not your responsibility to try to.
- That it's important, I think especially as a woman, to take the time to take care of yourself, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
- That Riviera Maya, Mexico is a place I wish to visit again. often.
- That the Mexico City Airport isn't a place I wish to visit again. ever.
- That living close to our families is a luxury that I shouldn't take for granted.
- That the right decisions are the ones that pay off in the long run, and that patience is a virtue that isn't always easily acquired.
- That though I may try, God's love for me is still much more profound than I am able to understand.
Posted by Kelli at 2:31 PM 0 comments
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