Monday, January 19, 2009

The inner-workings of my brain

My dear friend Ashley, whom I love and respect not only as a person, but as a blogger... has taught me the art of "brain-dumping".  As I understand it, it is quite simply the process of spilling the things that happen to be on my mind.  This could prove to be a little scary, because my a.d.d. brain jumps from thought to thought at an impressive rate, but nevertheless I am going to give it a try.  And here they are:

* I am excited to be writing this blog on my newly-acquired mac laptop.

* Maurice will tell you that this isn't my laptop yet, (he is giving it to me, to replace my ailing laptop, because he is getting a new one), but it has been and will here-to-for remain in my possession, which by definition, makes it as good as mine.  

* I am trying not to think about the fact that the wedding is in less than 4 months now, because the wedding planning freaks me out.

* I am NOT freaked out, however, to marry Maurice.  On the contrary... I cannot wait for married life.

* Equally as freak-out worthy is the fact that I don't know yet where we'll be living after we get married.  I don't mean that I don't know which area of town we'll be going apartment hunting in... I mean I don't know which time-zone we'll be apartment hunting in.

* To clarify... the two time-zones up for consideration are eastern, and good ol central standard.

* I am way more into "The Bachelor" than I care to admit.  

* I secretly get really irritated when people suggest that I have a chocolate fountain at our wedding reception.  I am not a fan.

* Lunch from Central Market is the newest love in my life.

* Many people have recommended that I see "Marley and Me", which I fully intend to do, but I want to wait and see it on DVD so that I can cry in the privacy of my own home vs. making a sobbing spectacle of myself in a public movie theater.

* I should definitely be asleep by now, and I'll probably be pretty grumpy tomorrow.

* I've been really disciplined about not spending money on frivolous things, but my mom was given a $20 Starbucks card, and she doesn't drink coffee so it was consequently given to me... and I am really looking forward to stopping in the morning to get the coffee I have missed oh-so-much.

That's enough for now.  Hope that you all have a wonderful week!


The Allen's said...

great job on the brain dump k. tope. it was perfect. a few thoughts:
1. i am not afraid to admit that i am obsessed w/ the bachelor (blog post to follow)
2. if you order a short at starbucks the $20 will go much, much further!
3. 4 months is nothing. you can totally do it!

Tiff said...

Good to hear what's going on in your little head, Kelli. I have to say though, I love the bachelor, it's our weekly TV time! Horrible, I know...

Jennifer said...

Hey! I changed my site to ryanjenharrison instead of the other so go check it out!